Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Mengasuh Anak Secara Positif

Sungguh menakjubkan bagaimana orangtua yang bahagia dan positif akan menghasilkan anak yang tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang mempesona. Berikut ini adalah rahasia pengasuhan anak secara positif : 
1. Untuk membesarkan anak yang sehat dan bahagia, ajarilah anak untuk mencintai dan menyayangi dirinya sendiri. Caranya : Perhatikan diri Anda sendiri terlebih dahulu. Selalu sediakan waktu bagi diri Anda pribadi di tengah kesibukan harian Anda. Sediakan waktu bagi Anda untuk berolahraga, merawat diri, dan meluangkan waktu bagi pengembangan pribadi Anda. Sadarkah Anda bahwa orangtua yang tidak menghargai dirinya sendiri akan membesarkan anak dengan sifat serupa! 
2. Luangkan waktu yang berkualitas setiap hari. Talmud berkata "Setiap helai rumput punya malaikat yang membungkuk di atasnya dan berbisik,'Tumbuh, tumbuh'." Pemberian terindah dari orang dewasa adalah menjadi malaikat itu bagi seorang anak yang istimewa. Tunjukkan betapa Anda sungguh bergembira atas kehadirannya. Jadilah 'Ahli Gembira' bagi putra-putri Anda. Ubahlah waktu mengerjakan tugas harian menjadi momen yang berharga dan istimewa. Bernyanyi, memeluk, berbagi tawa dan cerita dapat membuat saat-saat biasa menjadi tak terlupakan. 

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Analyzing Filicity Condition

This conversation was taken in HIMAKAL (Himpunan Mahasiswa Kalimantan) base camp of Borneo students. They planned to have a vocation in Bali for the holiday.  We took a record when they were discussing about the planning to go to Bali.

Language and Culture

1.     What is language?
Language is Arbitrary & Conventional
The term arbitrary here refers to the fact that the symbol that people use is made or chosen without any principle, logic or reason. For example, people in Java do not have a principle or logic to call an animal with long tail, two hands, and two legs and like scratching and playing on trees as kethek. There is no logic either for people in Jakarta to call that animal monyet. This is what arbitrary means.
So, to answer Daniel's question: English people do not have any reason why they call the animal that produces "meauwww" as cat. Again, this is because language is arbitrary: no logical reason is used when choosing a symbol, and no direct relationship between the symbol and the symbolized.

Language Comprehension

a speech and language disorder
A.    Strategies understanding un utterance
            To understand an untterance, there are factors which help us to understanding an utterance. First, is factors which related with the knowledge. We are as human society, we lives with our environment. Our environment gives us much knowledge about life in the world.  Several of the knowledge is universality whereas another part is special about the society where their stay. General knowledge the elephant which have big body makes us assumes to the elephant which has body like a goat is small elephant. In contrast, our knowledge about an ant which has small body make us say that a ant which the length 2 centimeter is a big ant. So, the expression small elephant and big ant must be understood with the context of general knowledge.
The knowledge is one of the factors which help us to understand the content of the utterance. For example:
He bought a pair of horse shoes
He bought a pair of alligator shoes


Aphasia                               Dysphasia
Alexia                                  Dyslexia
Agraphia                              Dysgraphia