Jumat, 29 April 2011

Analyzing Filicity Condition

This conversation was taken in HIMAKAL (Himpunan Mahasiswa Kalimantan) base camp of Borneo students. They planned to have a vocation in Bali for the holiday.  We took a record when they were discussing about the planning to go to Bali.
Baiz: mi, Liburan ini ke Bali Yuk?
Fahmi: Ayoo, Kapan and Berapa ?
Baiz: Setelah selesai UAS ini gmn? Kamu mau ikut juga Gak ed?
Edy: Ya Pastilah Pokoknya Aku Ikut.
Baiz: Ya sudah, Biayanya tuh 300 ribu untuk  2 hari. Besok Kalian bayar sama aku ya…
Fahmi: Oke, besok aku  ke kontrakanmu  iz, Jam satu siang ya?
Baiz: Oke, Aku tunggu ya… Yang penting uangnya ada, soalnya aku mau booking dulu sama travelnya.
Edy: Tapi Cory iz, Aku Kayaknya Belum bisa bayar besok. Mungkin minggu depan coz aku belum dikirim.
Baiz: Yaudah  gak papa. Ngomong2 kita mau ketempat mana aja nanti kalu udah di bali?
Fahmi: Kita nanti nginep di rumah omku ja, di badung utara dekat dengan pantai kuta. Kita ke tanah Lot, Nusa dua,pantai dreamland dan  pasar sukowati.
Baiz: Mantap bisa ngirit nich………… ikam gimana ed?
Edy: Ya, Aku Sich setuju- setuju  ja, Yang  penting nyaman kalok. Okelah ku handak…!
Fahmi: Ya dahlah iz, Ku mau service laptopku dulu besok sebelum ke kosmu tak sms dulu ya.
Baiz: Oke. Ni aku juga mau ke kosan helmi. Yaudah kita sepakat ya. Aku duluan nah.
Edy: Ya. Aku juga mo pulang NECH.

Theory of Felicity Condition
In discourse analysis study, there should be discussed about felicity condition. In this case, we will try to analyze some condition in the conversation that we record from people. There are some types of conditions; they are general condition, content condition, preparatory condition, essential condition, and sincerity condition.
            It is called as general condition if the participant can understand the language being used and that they are not play-acting or being nonsensical.
It is called as content condition if a promise or warning of the utterance must be about a future event. A further content condition for a promise requires that the future event will be a future act of the speaker.
It is preparatory condition using for a promise which is significantly different from those for a warning. When I promise to do something, there are two preparatory conditions: first, the event would not happen by itself, and second, the event will have a beneficial effect. When I utter a warning, there are the following preparatory conditions: it isn’t clear that the hearer knows the event will occur, the speaker does think the event will occur and the event will not have a beneficial effect.
Related to that condition is sincerity condition for a promise the speaker genuinely intends to carry out the future action and for warming the speaker genuinely believe that the future event will not have beneficial effect.
 Finally, there is a essential condition, which covers that fact that by the act of uttering a promise, I thereby intend to create an obligation to carry out the action as promised. In other words, the utterance changes my state from non-obligation to obligation. Similarly, which warming and their essential condition, the utterance changes my state from non-informing of a bat future event to informing.
Analyzing Felicity condition
Baiz: mi, Liburan ini ke Bali Yuk?
This utterance requires the characteristic of content condition for request: the requested act is a future act of the hearer.”Liburan ini
Fahmi: Ayoo, Kapan and Berapa ?
This utterance requires the characteristic of essential condition because the utterance counts as an attempt by the speaker to have the hearer do an act “Ayoo
Baiz: Setelah selesai UAS ini gmn? Kamu mau ikut juga Gak ed?
This utterance requires the characteristic of content condition; it should be a future event. The content condition can be seen briefly in the sign “Selesai UAS,” This sign represents that the utterance have not been happened yet.
Edy: Ya Pastilah Pokoknya Aku Ikut.
This utterance requires the characteristic of essential condition because the utterance counts as an attempt by the speaker to have the hearer do an act “Ya
Fahmi: Oke, besok aku  ke kontrakanmu  iz, Jam satu siang ya?
This utterance reqired the characteristic of Essensial condition because The utterance counts as an attempt by the speaker to have the hearer do an act by waiting fahmi in his boarding house.
Baiz: Oke, Aku tunggu ya…(preparatory condition) Yang penting uangnya ada, soalnya aku mau booking dulu sama travelnya.
This utterance requires the characteristic of preparatory condition because the speaker waiting her friend in his boarding house tomorrow.
Edy: Tapi Sorry iz, Aku Kayaknya Belum bisa bayar besok. Mungkin minggu depan coz aku belum dikirim.
This utterance requires the characteristic of content condition; It should be a future event. The content condition can be seen briefly in the sign “Besok, “Mungkin minggu depan”. This sign represents that the utterance have not been happened yet.
Fahmi: Kita nanti nginep di rumah omku ja, di badung utara dekat dengan pantai kuta. Kita ke tanah Lot, Nusa dua,pantai dreamland dan  pasar sukowati.
This utterance requires the characteristic of content condition; It should be a future event. The content condition can be seen briefly in the sign “Nanti”. This sign represents that the utterance have not been happened yet.
Edy: Ya, Aku Sich setuju- setuju  ja, Yang  penting nyaman kalok. Okelah ku handak…!
This utterance required the characteristic of Sincerity condition because the speaker genuinely wants the hearer to perform the requested act
Fahmi: Ya dahlah iz, Ku mau service laptopku dulu besok sebelum ke kosmu tak sms dulu ya.
This utterance required the characteristic of preparatory condition because the speaker telling the utterance and prepare by put laptop, and go to service center.

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